Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Internet Marketing Education Vs College Education

Congratulations! in just a few minutes you will become a college graduate. The four years of hard work and discipline finally paid off because today is your day. I know when you look back at the many late nights studying or the topics that you had to research for term papers that you absolutely abhorred was worth it. Don't forget there were sacrifices as well, I don't think you can count on both hands the many parties that you passed up or the summers you spent at an internship while your friends sat in the sun by the beach.
Today you make your parents proud because today you have proved to the world that you are entitled to success. You hear your name called out and you walk up on stage to receive your diploma it's one of the proudest days in your life. Every second you can feel the S on your chest get bigger and the red cape get larger. You are officially a college graduate ready for the world and fully prepared to defy gravity. Like the R & B singer R Kelly once sang you believe you can fly.
Fast forward one year later. You walk through the revolving doors of the faceless building quickly being swept up by the lunch hour traffic. Once again disappointed at your job search. You can't seem to get on your feet and every time you turn on the TV or open a magazine you see and hear about the job market getting smaller and smaller. What happened your life wasn't supposed to be this way. What happened was the same thing that is happening to countless other new college graduates. They are leaving school to find out they have been learning old out dated principles that don't apply to the current job market but even worse the job market doesn't even exist. The only thing they do have is a mountain of debt created from consumer expense and college loans. Naturally you feel bitter frustrated and even a little depressed. You graduated from college your entitled to more right... WRONG
Sorry to say that the only thing your entitled to is a opportunity to try something different that will present a different outcome. For college students especially those who are seeking careers in business their is unlimited potential for success as a internet marketer. first and foremost their is no recession on the internet, the internet is a constantly growing and changing algorithm that corporations in the fortune 500 listing to mom & pop brick and mortar business need someone to successfully promote, brand, and attract high quality customers to their business. The only possible way a internet marketing professional will be considered non valuable is unless the internet disappears.
The major appeal to becoming a internet marketing professional is the ability to make a substantial residual income while your learning. Unlike major colleges and universities in America you don't have to graduate before you have the chance to sell yourself. The college of internet marketing teaches you to define your self value so the business opportunity comes to you and you can state the terms. The curriculum is all online so you can work around whatever personal schedule that you currently have and the cost to begin this business education is far less then it would be to get your degree in any major college or university. Apply the same discipline and study habits to this education like you woud for your undergrad or graduate level courses and success is inevitable.

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