Monday 17 October 2011

Indoor Football in Low Gravity Space Colony Environments Considered

There should be no doubt that in the future humans will wish to play sports in the colonies they create off world. Indeed we know which sports humans love to play most, especially in the United States. There is baseball, soccer, hockey, basketball, and football to name a few. But let's talk about football and its future in space. Is it even a viable sport?
Will mankind built giant stadiums on other planets and moons? Over time they might, but at first they will not be able to afford to, and they will not have the manufacturing facilities on the Moon or Mars to do so. Therefore if they play inside, they will have to make the football field very small. We know here on Earth that folks play indoor football, and it is a very fast paced sport. Is that the type of football they will play in future colonies? Perhaps they will have expandable blowup habitat facilities, and play football inside.
Indeed, the first football fields will be very small, and therefore the speed of play very fast. Also consider if the colony is on the Moon or Mars, there is less gravity. The players will have more agility, and they will end up hitting each other harder, and more often. Luckily, by then there will be space-age materials which will be able to protect them with the proper pads so they don't break any bones. Remember if someone is injured in a space colony it's a much bigger deal than merely going to the hospital here on Earth.
Perhaps they can play football outside using special breathing apparatuses that are incorporated within their uniforms. If so, they can level off a small field and play there, but still realize a low gravity environment will increase the speed of play, athletes will jump higher, they will throw the ball further, and they can run much faster. An opponent who's ready to be tackled may merely leap over several players at a time. And much of the tackling may go on 15 feet above the surface. Are you beginning to imagine a picture this your mind.

What is Gravity on Clickbank

If you are looking for a product to promote on Clickbank then you have probably noticed a statistic that they use called gravity. This is one of the most misunderstood statistics on Clickbank, but once you know the definition of gravity it is actually quite simple. What is Gravity? Well, gravity is simply a weighted number of affiliates who have sold at least one product over the last 8 weeks, with the more recent sales counting for more than those made 8 weeks ago.
Gravity does not tell you how much money the product has made or what percentage it converts at. Gravity only counts the first sale each affiliate makes, so it isn't necessarily a solid indication on the overall profitability of promoting the product. However, if it has a super high gravity it's probably because people are having good success with it.
Pros and Cons of Promoting A High Gravity Product
If many people are promoting a product, and making sales, then there is a good chance that it coverts well. Most people aren't going to continue to promote products that don't make them very much money. One thing you need to watch out for is a product having high gravity only because it just launched. Many marketers get affiliates to push their product heavily during the launch, so that will give the product a very high gravity to start. Even though you know a high gravity product is probably making its affiliates a lot of money, there is a downside to promoting a high gravity product. If a product has a lot off affiliates promoting it, that means you are going to be up against a lot of competition for traffic. It might be very difficult to break into a niche that has a product with a super high gravity.
Pros and Cons of Promoting A Low Gravity Product
Sometimes it can pay off to promote a low gravity product. If a product has a gravity of 10-20 than it means they've made a decent amount of sales in the last few weeks. Many people who have products on Clickbank aren't the best marketers, and even though they have a great product in a great niche they do a poor job of getting people to promote it for them. If you can find a product like this it is possible to dominate that niche and sell the heck out of a good, but unknown product. If you do really well with a product like this you should consider using your superior marketing skills to make your own product, and really make a ton of money from that niche.

Falling - Gravity As A Spiritual Lesson

I'm in danger of sounding like I do nothing but watch TV, but I won't apologise for watching another excellent TV programme - The Wonders of the Universe.
The subject was gravity, and Dr Brian Cox completely blew me away with this simple explanation of a complex force. Gravity means that absolutely everything is falling into everything else, irresistibly and continually following the curves of space time created by the pulls from all the stars, planets and galaxies in the universe. Gravity is by its very nature both creative and destructive. It creates by pulling and holding together the necessary elements for life, but ultimately it destroys too, compressing things down and exerting impossible pressure that eventually crushes to death.
It made me really think about our experience of life. Perhaps on some deeply subconscious level we are aware of this falling, and it makes us uncomfortable as it is beyond our control. Is that why we often feel a need to organise and structure our lives so rigidly and neatly? Is that us fighting the inevitable? And then that set me to thinking about the way we use the word "falling" in day-to-day language. Isn't it interesting that we describe entering physical, mental and emotional conditions as "falling" too? We fall in love, fall asleep, fall apart. Again, giving that sense of inevitability, that we can't control these things but despite our best efforts they happen to us. It also suggests the microcosm/macrocosm in action; these personal everyday experiences are reflecting a greater universal pattern of truth. I wonder if we knew that when we coined the phrases...
People often dream of falling when they're going through a challenging situation (loss of a job, caring for many dependants, studying for exams). Again, it usually indicates subconscious feelings of being out of control, hurtling towards a potentially disastrous end and not being able to do anything to stop it. At the same time we are also drawn to the excitement and exhilaration of falling. You only have to look at the popularity of roller-coaster and funfair rides to see that. There's that thing where a fall can stop time for you, where you become intensely present in the moment and a second seems to last a lifetime. It's almost as if we catch up with ourselves in the process of falling to such an extent that we can stand outside of it. We feel light and free from our physical bodies. It's a sanitised fall to a certain extent - we're securely strapped in, the ride is of a specified length and we know where we'll get off. Oh how we wish sometimes that everything in life was like that! The monster of control raises its ugly head again.
So if we are in a constant state of falling, as the universe shows us we are along with everything else that exists within it, then why be scared? There is nothing we can do about it, so why don't we just enjoy the drop? Images come into my head now of free-fall skydivers, somersaulting and tumbling freely through the air while whooping and laughing with joy. They know that inevitably they're going to touch down on the ground but my goodness they're going to enjoy the ride while it lasts. Instead of tensing up and worrying about hitting the ground we can just enjoy the process and revel in the exhilaration. When I was training for parascending we were taught to relax the body and give at the knees when our feet touched the ground - this prevents injury because you're not resisting the fall, you're moving with the flow of energy.

Does Gravity Control Orbit of the Electrons Around the Nucleus

From the study of Physical Chemistry (which includes Quantum Mechanics) we know that the structure of matter and the periodic table that results is a consequence of the only the electromagnetic force and nothing else, unless gravity is very strong-so strong that it dominates other forces. Such conditions do not exist on Earth.
Of course gravity pulls atoms down to Earth, but it does not affect the electronic structure...However the question does not ask about the pull of gravity on particles, but rather about the orbits of electrons around an atom, and if gravity plays a role.
Let us consider one H atom. The mass of a proton is 1.67262158 × 10-27 kilograms and the electron rest mass is 1800 times lighter 9.10938188 × 10-31 kilograms. The Coulomb attractive force between these two charged particles is many orders of magnitude larger than gravity between them.
More specifically we can compare the gravitational attraction between an electron and a proton, to that of their electrostatic attraction. Using Newton's Law and Coulomb's law and plugging in the fundamental electron charge, and for gravity, the above masses, and known constants, shows that the Coulomb force is a whopping 1040 times stronger than gravity in the Hydrogen atom.
That is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0... (40 zeros) times stronger!!!
Electronic Structure of Matter
Understanding of Physical Chemistry also explains that electronic structure of matter is governed solely by Coulomb's law: the attraction and repulsion between charged particles: But read on.
We only know of four forces: gravity (range: infinite), electromagnetic (range infinite), weak nuclear force (leads to beta decay) (range only within a nucleus); the strong nuclear force (range only within a nucleus). That's it folks.
The nuclear forces are much stronger than the electromagnetic force over the same distance. The energy released in nuclear reactors is many orders of magnitude greater than chemical energy because E=mc2.
Gravity and Black Holes
Having said all that, I want to think a bit more about the question outside the box. What is a neutron star? a black hole? A neutron star has a mass so great that it overcomes the electromagnetic force and pushes the electrons down onto the nucleus.
Proton+ + Electron- ->Neutron
I have put a plus charge on the proton and a minus charge on the electron to emphasize that they repel each other. So to push an electron out of its orbit and down to the surface of the proton must overcome the electrostatic repulsion between them.
The gravitational field needed to do this is more than 1040 times stronger than on Earth!! That star is basically made up of neutrons. Recall that Ernest Rutherford found that an atom has a very dense nucleus. Imagine the gravitational field of a star made up of nuclei rather than atoms! Under such strong gravitational fields, the electronic structure does depend upon gravity.
Same for black holes. Gravity is so strong that nothing can escape it, and it appears to dominate all other forces.
Finally, physicists seek a unified theory to describe the mechanics of all forces. Of the four forces, three have been unified (using quantum mechanics (quantum field theory really)). Only gravity is not understood.

Home Decor Wall Decoration on a Budget

Home decor can be expensive, but there are many creative ways to add wall decoration to any home, on a budget!
Look for frames at thrift stores, yard sales and even dollar shops. Even is it is filled with ugly artwork, look past it for the frame. One of my favorite frame finds was a large wood carved frame I found in an antique shop for $10 because it had "damage". That damage is what gives it character and a vintage feel! I love that frame!
Use frames themselves as artwork. Hang a grouping of empty frames of different shapes, sizes and finishes. Make sure you hang them only a few inches apart, and use an odd number of frames for a natural look.
If you are looking to fill a wall with inexpensive artwork, try using a common theme to tie all the framed art together. A floral theme, all black and whites, or a common color throughout will give a designer look to your grouping.
Frame pretty pieces of fabric as art. You can splurge and buy a little designer fabric because it's such a small amount, or you can really save bucks and cut pretty fabric form worn out dresses or blouses from your closet or a thrift shop. They don't pay those fabric designers the big bucks for nothing, its art!
Paper can also be used as wall art...check out the scrap booking section of your local craft shop for attractive paper in your rooms theme to frame and hang. Also look into handmade papers for a high end look.
Got gardening magazines? You have art! Cut out garden photos you love and frame for a perfect cottage or traditional accent. You can also search used book stores for art books you would be willing to cut up to hang. Botanicals, landscape photography, and even black and white graphic art can all be easily found for a couple dollars...and you can get dozens of pictures from some books!
Go non traditional for your wall art. Have old love letters in a drawer? Frame them! Hang you daughters dress from her christening, or the flowers you pressed with your son when he was three. Your Grandfathers hand tools, or a quilt from your Grandmother will make memorable wall decoration. Get the idea? Think outside frames and paintings, and create home decor that is warm and personal.

Fancy Lighting Home Decor Enlightenment

Light is one of those basic necessities we take for granted, without it we couldn't see a thing! Lately however, lighting has been lifted into the spotlight of home improvement circles. The art of interior design can be taken to a whole new level, by employing various lighting solutions that will help in giving a certain space a totally unique atmosphere.
The art of employing lights and fixtures for accomplishing dramatic effects, designed to achieve a specific mood, have become a hot trend among home decor designers nowadays.
Ideally the lighting system should be great from both a functional and viewpoint and information show that pendant lights and similar products are taking up more and more space in stores committed to home planning.
Various styles of recessed lighting are not exactly a new innovation, but nowadays they are turning up in scenarios you might not have encountered them before - such as out on a patio, for example.
Seeing a subtle yet, effectual recessed patio lighting, working in part by solar power for the first time is indeed a model that get's the inspiration going for getting into to decorate up the outside of your home as well.
From the purely practical/economical point of view, the solar powered alternatives are of course most interesting. But, in many cases, combining appealing design and some sort of solar panels are not always easy or affordable. Once in place though, you can get literally unlimited energy without paying a cent for it, provided that you live in a location that provide enough sun that is.
Among other widespread lighting trends right now are innumerable forms of accent lighting that may, for instance, be aimed onto a wall in order to complement the light directed by the fixtures in the ceiling or from a selection of recessed lighting.
Accent lighting is great for drawing awareness to precise features in the room, and as a rule can add amazing amounts of dimension and depth to the space. For those who want to go really cutting-edge, there is also the option to install the lighting system in such a way that it can be "programmed" for several scenarios.
Depending on the time of day, the mood you want to set, and which architectural features or things in the room you want to highlight, all can be effectively accomplished by a well designed lighting arrangement.
Particularly elaborate and expensive lighting systems are of course typically installed in official buildings like hotels, big company headquarters etc. But stylish lighting can definitely be employed in decorating privately owned homes as well. And, compared to other forms of home improvement or re-decorating, it does actually not have to be terribly expensive either.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

NASA Study - Saggy Pants Problem Tied to Earth's Gravity

Washington, DC
It seems like just 345 years ago, Sir Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree, sipping a Caramel Macchiato, and doing a Sudoku puzzle when  an apple fell on his head compelling him to realize his Laws of Universal Gravitation. In what seems to be such a simple principle, has managed to escape and baffle physicists for the past 2 decades. "Sagging," refers to a style in which a person wears their pants below their waist exposing much of their underwear. It was originally believed to have derived from inmates in prison, who were not allowed to belts, in fear that they would hang themselves. It was then adopted by the hip-hop culture, then spread throughout urban, suburban, and rural areas, to all races. In recent years, municipalities have been clamping down on Sagging, stating that the youth of this country has become so lazy and defiant, that they refuse to keep their pants up. In June of 2007, the Town Council in Delcambre, Louisiana passed an indecent exposure ordinance against people who wore their pants saggy.
As time goes on,  pants have been sagging lower and lower, inching their way to the point where teenagers in Brooklyn, NY have been literally walking down the street with their pants around their ankles. We spoke with State Senator Adams who had this to say, "Residents are furious, and they demand justice! We can't sit back another minute and lets these pants get any lower! Before you know it, it will be winter. We can't have our kids walking around in the snow without pants. We want answers, damnit!" One Brooklyn teenager, a member of the notorious gang, the 6th Street Shannigans, Juan Carlos Greenberg, had this to say, "We ain't doin' nothin', man! What is this guy's trip? I am not my pants keeper. That's just how we roll, Dog." One person has heard the cries, and  is now playing an active role in solving the epidemic. His name is Charles Wheatley, an Astrophysicist for NASA. Wheatley, who has been working on the problem for the past 3 years, believes he has found a scientific explanation.
At a press conference at NASA's headquarters this morning, Wheatley stated, "After hundreds of tests, I have found the cause for sagging pants. There appears to be a definite link between sagging pants and gravity. The problem is more universal than we thought. If we were on the moon, the pants wouldn't sag, but the minute that we enter the Earth's atmosphere, the pants head straight to the ground in a fashion that is consistent with Newton's Gravitational Law that gravity equals 9.81 m/s^2. It really isn't the youngster's faults. The only way to combat the force of gravity is an equal, opposite force. The only way to achieve that is either by people holding their pants up, or to take more desperate measures, a belt." At this time, lawmakers will have to cool their heels until a reasonable solution can be dealt out. In the meantime, some religious and political leaders, not satisfied, are calling for the Government to take more proactive measures by building an anti-gravity machine. President Obama acknowledged the request today stating, "I understand America's frustration with saggy pants, but if we solve that by doing away with gravity, we'll have to nail everything else down. And that would be a huge pain in the ass.